What To Wear On A Camping Trip

There’s quite a bit of planning that goes into a camping trip, and once you have the essentials sorted like a camping chair or sleeping pad you need to think about what exactly you’ll wear while you’re away. There are many things to consider like weather, surroundings, and activities you’ll be getting up to, so it’s a lot to think about.

Camping clothing usually focuses on two things – being comfortable and being dressed for the weather. Some people might prefer to go out in freezing conditions and understand there’s a lot more to pack for it and others like nothing more than a relaxed summer camping vibe with minimal clothing, and it’s up to you to choose which one you’d prefer.

Choosing the right clothes to wear camping can seem like a daunting task, and if you get it wrong there’s no way to simply dash to the store and get something else, so you do have to put some thought into it. We’re here to help though, with a few simple things you can think about in order to pack the perfect camping wear for your trip.

Careful Planning Beforehand

Just like any other part of a successful camping trip, there is a lot of planning that must go into place. A camper who hasn’t planned isn’t going to be a happy one at all, and being out in the middle of nowhere means you really can’t rely on any stores or help from others if you haven’t packed correctly.

Packing clothes

Make a list of how long you’ll be camping for, exactly what activities you’ll be doing, and whether or not there are certain weather conditions to keep in mind. Break each day down into what clothes you might need or how many pairs of underwear you plan on going through, and get a list started.

The key to finding clothes for camping is to be fully prepared for the trip without over packing. Camping is a way to get out into nature and get rid of some of the modern niceties that we’re used to, and having three suitcases full of clothes doesn’t exactly do that. With careful planning, you’ll see exactly what you need and be able to pack for it without going over the top.

Camping Clothes

There are a few different things to keep in mind when packing your camping clothing, and taking the time to check this list to see what might suit your trip will be hugely beneficial.

  • Base clothing – These are the light clothes you wear underneath and they can be used for both everyday clothing or under your pajamas to keep you warm. It’s better to add layers if you need them rather than start with something thick, so you can strip down to your base clothing if you have to.
  • Camp wear – These are clothes that you wear around the campsite and basically sit in the dirt and start fires with. They should be rugged and comfortable, and not so expensive that you’re worried about them getting dirty.
  • Footwear – The key here is comfortable and breathable footwear, and something you’ll be happy to walk in all day long. If the worst should happen and you become lost or your vehicle breaks down you’ll need a solid pair of shoes to keep you moving.
  • Weatherproof – Even if the weather reports are looking promising you should always pack for the unexpected. A simple raincoat or poncho could be a lifesaver if it starts to pour while you’re away.
  • Warm clothing – If you’re going somewhere and the temperature is known to drop at night or your camping in the colder months, you need extra supplies. Think of hats, beanies, gloves, thermal wear and anything else that will keep you warm.
  • Undergarments – A quick way to freshen up when you’re camping is to change your underwear, and because they’re relatively light to pack you don’t need to ration how many you bringalong.

Be Updated Before You Go

Even if you’ve been planning a camping trip for months, you still need to be updated on possible changes before you leave. One of the biggest problems for campers and hikers is not being adequately dressed to deal with the weather and becoming sick or injured because of it.

In the weeks and days leading up to a free camping trip, keep an eye on weather reports to see what may have changed. You’ll need to be covered for all kinds of weather including high temperatures and sunburn through to freezing conditions and frostbite.

Another good place to check is the National Park site to see what updates they might have, as this can indicate what clothing you need to bring. This forward planning and staying up to date with information can mean the difference between a good camping trip and an uncomfortable one, so you need to be prepared.

Being Comfortable And Protected Is The Key

There are so many unknown dangers and new surroundings to be explored when we go camping, and our clothes are a great way to stay protected. Whether you’re trying to keep yourself safe from insect bites or don’t want to be sunburned, your clothes are what will help out so it pays to take the time to pack right.

Two women laughing while camping

Camping is all about stripping back to basics and getting out into nature, so as much as you think you might want to pack multiple suitcases full of clothes or bring along your expensive designer outfits, camping isn’t the time nor place to do so. You can make the whole experience a lot more enjoyable with some sensible clothing choices and weather appropriate wear, so take the process seriously.



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