Pocket Blanket Tarp


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The expert who helped us create the KAMUI camping blanket tarp made it highly water-resistant, so you will face any inconvenience during bad weather conditions and wet ground, sand, or when on the beach. The design of the pocket blanket tarp makes it suitable for any weather condition and any type of event from picnics to hiking, camping, or any other outdoor activity.

You can also find it easy to weigh down because of the inclusion of built-in loops and corner pockets. Built-in pockets and loops make it convenient to keep the blanket tarp on the ground without putting extra work to ensure it does not fly away.

Our blanket tarp consists of Nylon Taffeta 300T to ensure that it is strong and durable. It will ensure that your product lasts a long period of time.

The properties of the pocket blanket tarp, which is 74.8″ X 55.1″, makes it the perfect choice for the group of people as it fits 2-4 people. After compressing and packing it in the easy-to-carry bag, it will fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and will not weigh you down on the go. With its simple portability, this will become your go-to adventure blanket tarp, as well as, help you space save for other essential equipment.

KAMUI camping blanket tarp includes materials that make it resistible to damages most of the time. In comparison to the alternatives, KAMUI tends to make the product durable and comfortable. Consequently, the product has a design that offers long-lasting quality, so you can enjoy the great outdoors.

304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM