We have the Best Ideas For your Next Family Camping Vacation!

Going camping can be a fun and rewarding experience for anyone, provided they are open to the concept of exploring nature and getting in touch with the outdoors. If you love camping, and if you’re planning on sharing this love with your family, consider planning a family camping vacation.

Anyone can go camping with their friends, colleagues or team members. Only the best families camp together. While this may sound simple, camping is more complicated than you would first think. In this guide, we’ll be covering everything you need to know so that you can have a safe family camping adventure.

Benefits Of a Family Camping Vacation

There are many amazing benefits of camping with your family. It is a time that you truly get to know each other. In a way that you can’t during your everyday routine. You could find out what everyone likes, and may even hear stories you may not have otherwise at the kitchen table.

Starting your kids young with camping is great for building character as well. It works by allowing them to be one with nature and teaching them about teamwork. A family camping vacation will also gift to your kids the chance to learn interesting things about being one with nature, such as different bugs, animals, and plants.

Family camping vacation ideas

Now that we know why to camp with our family, we might take into consideration the burning question: Where to camp?

We set out a short but comprehensive list of the best places to set your family camping vacation out. It doesn’t matter if you choose a campground in a national park, or if you want to RV camp on a sandy beach, we are here to point out the best ideas for your next family vacation.

Here come our best picks for family vacation ideas:

Where can I camp?

Hiking trails

You and the family just absolutely love the mountains and that fresh breeze gets your blood pumping? A hiking trail on one of our beautiful trails would be the best idea for you.

Make sure to bring everything lightweight and enough insulation hiking gear, since the weather might change. Other than that, search for hiking trails and point on the map on which mountain you still haven’t been. You’re set to go now! Consider these options:

Devils Garden Trail

Sunrise View Point, Olympic National Park

Grinnell Glacier Overlook

Beach camping

family camping vacation on beach

Sleeping under the starry skies on a beach is something every person should experience at least once in a lifetime. This is why we think you and your family should try it too.

Your kids will love this summer camp because they will have the opportunity to explore the water, animals, and way of life on the coast or by the lake. This will be fun for the entire family. These might interest you:

Kalaloch Campground

Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

Sea Camp Campground

Lake camping

Living inland and don’t get to see the sea too much? Then you might try an even better idea- A lake family vacation for everyone to enjoy. Don’t forget to bring your fishing equipment and canoe, you’re going to need them. We found these gems for you:

Lake Mead

Talbot Island State Park

Lake Havasu

Museums and historical sites

Are you or someone in the family a history buff? Or do you enjoy museum trotting and combining outdoor activities? Then this is the best match for you! Here are our picks:

Rock Creek Station Nebraska

Koreshan State Historic Site

Trail of Tears State Park Missouri

National parks

Parks offer both tent sites, hiking, beaches, sights, lodges, and other fun activities for everyone in the family. One of the best camping ideas, if you ask us, is a national park. It offers enough activity options so that even the younger members can be included.

If a hiking trail doesn’t do the trick, try rafting, horseback riding, golf, or even mountain biking. In national parks, nobody is going to be excluded from the fun. Check these out:

Channel Islands National Park

Murray River National Park

Big Cypress National Preserve

Accommodation for Family Camping Trips

If you’ve just found the perfect place to start your family camping trips, but still can’t figure out how to do it, consider these options:

Whichever does the trick for you, make sure everyone in the family is okay with it and ready for some adventures. Family camping vacations are perfect for the family that loves the outdoors, camping, national parks, and history. Even if it’s the first time out in the wild with your loved ones, you might experience something new and offer you a new hobby or pastime.

So, if you’re looking for a sign to set out on a camping adventure with your family, this is it!

family rv camping

How to Plan the Best Family Camping Vacation

If you are looking for some ideas on how to plan the best trip ever, we are here to help. We made a shortlist of things you can’t forget when going on your family camping trip, so stay tuned to learn what’s important.

For any camping trip, it is essential to plan things out so that you will be thoroughly prepared. Not being properly prepared could lead to having a very unpleasant trip that even might damage your health.

Nowadays, technology dominates everything and may play a big part in your child’s life. While camping, there is no wi-fi, so prepare for your kid’s reaction when you explain this to them.

After that, you will need to prepare, and this section of our article will explain what you need to take with you to have the best camping experience.

Choosing A Tent

One of the first things to consider when deciding to go camping is how you are going to sleep. There are three main types of tents out there, which are the family, individual, and children’s tents. Decide which kind of tent is ideal for you before setting out on your journey.

If your children are under 12 years of age, it may not be a good idea to have them sleep in their own tent in case they get curious during the nighttime and wander off. For a child to have their own tent, they must understand the dangers of the outdoors. If this is the case, opt for a family tent to sleep together.

Tent Interior

Don’t forget to bring along your children’s favorite blankets to make your tent’s footprint even cozier. Our favorite is the KAMUI  blanket, which is perfect for the family camping trip either in the outdoors or even in the park.

Outdoor Waterproof Fleece Blanket by KAMUI

Here are some of the specifications and reasons why we recommend this blanket to any camper and outdoor family, we love it because it’s:

  • Waterproof
  • Easy cleaning
  • Durable
  • Transportable with bag

Sleeping Gear

KAMUI sleeping pads in tent

Considering purchasing a family-style sleeping pad that’s amazing for three seasons? Here’s our pick, the KAMUI sleeping pad! It’s durable and perfect for a family since it’s connectable and simple to use sleeping pad for car camping. Think of your sleeping style, do you sleep on the side or stomach? There are different sizes of children and adult bags as well.


chairs on beach

Chairs are also important to bring with you, for when you and your loved ones are gathering around the campfire or just having some off time during the day. Sitting on the ground is uncomfortable and can get wet when the weather is off, and sometimes you may have trouble finding logs to sit on, so having extra chairs is always a brilliant choice so that you can be more comfortable.

If you’re looking for a lightweight, comfortable, and easy-to-use camping chair, we’ve got the one for you – The KAMUI camping chair! Here’s what sets it apart from others on the market:

KAMUI foldable chair
  • Side pockets
  • Durable
  • Easy setup
  • Easy foldable

Tasty Food

Another important factor that should be on your family camping checklist is food supplies. The purpose of going camping is to be one with nature and have fun, not starve while you are doing it.

Search the web for easy camping meals for families to find recipes that are nutritional, easy to make, and that your children will love. Always make sure s’mores are on the list!

kids eating smores

Getting Into The Camping Spirit

The most important thing to do when you are out camping is to know how to start a fire. This will keep you insulated and warm, and will allow you to make all the delicious camping meals. Having a campfire sets the mood and tops off the spring camping experience.

family camping vacation campfire

Family camping vacation gear list

That sums it up, so here comes our short but comprehensive guide to all of the things you need to prepare before setting out on your family camping trip: 

  • Tables
  • Blankets
  • Extra gear for activities (if you’re beach camping, bring your shorts and towel)
  • Family activities gear (If you love fishing, bring your gear too)
  • Other camping gear like lights, camping cutlery, or stove
  • Tools like a multi-tool hammer and ax
  • Games
  • Dog gear
  • Personal items

Tips On How To Plan a Family Camping Vacation

If it’s your first time on a family road trip, consider some of our short tips on how to make your planning and trip easier. Here are our recommendations:

  1. Plan in advance – If you’ve got a tight schedule, plan early and book a few months before the trip.
  2. Include everyone in planning – Make sure the kids have their wishes granted too.
  3. Make an itinerary – And don’t stick too hard to it. Add some backup ideas too, and don’t forget to include time to relax!
  4. Try something new – You’ve never tried rock climbing? Get a guide and try out for yourself, what all the hype is about.
  5. Make memories – These moments are precious, to both your children and yourself. Bring your camera or phone, with a portable battery charger.
man using phone map


What is the best activity to do while camping?

The best activity for family camping trips depends on your family’s interests and the age of your child or children. Consider board games or card games for some downtime. But if you love an active vacation, consider sports like mountain biking, backpacking, or horseback riding.

How do I camp with a large family?

Most campers agree: The more the merrier, so a big family shouldn’t pose a threat to your family adventure. Just make sure everything is planned out and prepared before setting out on your family vacation.

What do I need for family camping?

Except for the essentials like camping gear, first aid, food/water, and activity gear, make sure you have your itinerary planned and every member of the family ready for some great time together.

family camping vacation


As you can see, family camping is a great way to bond with your loved ones. It can teach your kids many valuable lessons that can’t be taught and fully appreciated elsewhere. As long as you have everything you need, you will have one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

We hope that we helped you consider some of the best ideas for a family camping vacation and you’ve finally chosen your perfect place to visit.



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