Can You Really Camp With A Full Kitchen?

For most, camping is all about getting into nature and casting off the shackles of civilization. Although it’s good to go off the grid to some extent, most people don’t want to dream of living without their food, and so taking along a camp kitchen is definitely required.

A camp kitchen is like a makeshift kitchen that has all of the essential supplies you’ll need on an outing. While it would be nice, taking along out an entire kitchen on a camping trip just isn’t feasible, which is why we have to manage it down to just a few key items that will help us prepare and eat our meals.

We’re going to investigate the camp kitchen box further and find out if it’s better to make your own or buy one that’s been assembled already. Once you see why this piece of camping gear is so important, you’ll be motivated to get started on your own DIY camp kitchen, and it will be an art that you only get better at packing each time you go.

What Is A Camp Kitchen Box?

Unpacking Kitchen Box

Camping is a skill, and each time you pack up and get ready to head out to the wilderness you’ll have learned something from your last trip that you can use. The camp kitchen box is one of the most prized possessions of any camper, as it’s a way to store the most important kitchen items and keep them all in one practical and efficient place.

Unlike other items that we simply throw into the boot of the car or pack in with other supplies, these special kitchen boxes should be fully functional, including their packaging. You might have one box for the cookware, another for utensils, one for ingredients, and so on. Some people have a functional kitchen box that holds it all and can even be used in meal preparation, making them extra efficient.

There are two main types of boxes, one is the DIY camp box that you make yourself and the other is a store bought one. The box from the store comes with all of the essentials, but as everyone is different there’s a good chance you’ll want to add or subtract some items. For that reason alone, most people prefer to construct their own, and it’s just a matter of knowing what to put in it.

Sinks, Tables, Water, And More

In addition to everything that will be packed in your camp kitchen box, the other essentials you’ll need include a dining table, water supply, and a sink. Whatever else you need will depend on your camping style and who you’re traveling with. Some people prefer more and others less, and it’s all up to how much you can comfortably carry and pack. Here are some ideas for the other kitchen essentials:


How and where you eat will be up to you, but most people prefer a table of some sort. There are foldaway dining tables available, and it’s always handy to have one camping chair per person when you’re away. These are not only good for meal time, but reading, playing cards, relaxing, fishing, and just about anything you do while camping.


A sink will make it easy to clean dishes and give you a space to prepare food like washing vegetables and keeping hands clean. Some people prefer to save space by packing their kitchen box in a large plastic container that can then be used as a kitchen sink when empty. You can also get foldaway pop-up versions with a double basin, so there’s one for hand washing and another for cleaning.

Water Supply

There are two different types of water supply you can use for a camp kitchen, basic and advanced. Basic water supply might include filling up a bucket and using that to cook and clean, or you can invest in a water system. These are sold for camping and outdoor use, and allow you to get a constant flow of water just as you would a faucet in your kitchen.

Portable Camp Sink


Most campers prefer to take a portable gas stove that allows them to cook, fry, boil, or do just about anything that requires heat. You may need a larger stove for more people otherwise a single burner will do just fine.

How To Organize A Camp Kitchen

Packing a portable camp kitchen box is a skill, and it’s something that will likely be refined every time you head out to the great outdoors. However, if this is your first time making one, there are some easy tips you can follow to get started.

  • Think about how many people in your party and pack for that amount. Adjust cutlery, plates, cups, and other individual items depending on this number
  • Have one quality, sharp knife that is kept in a sheath and use this for all of your food preparation
  • Get one quality nonstick frying pan and use that for everything, unless you plan on having a much larger group to cook for and require a second
  • Try to find pots that have either short or removable handles to save space and nest them within each other
  • Have three different plastic containers that can be used for storage and mixing, and nest them within each other save space
  • Pack essentials like a colander for draining pasta and rice, tongs, an egg flip, and one wooden spoon

Taking The Most Important Room Of The House Along

Nobody wants to live without their kitchen, but there’s no way we can bring the entire thing along. Mastering the art of the camp kitchen is one of the most important packing skills you’ll ever learn for camping, but one that will pay off exponentially every time you head into the great outdoors.



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