How Big Should a Picnic Blanket Be: What Size Should I Choose for My Family?

Are you planning on making a picnic in the park and are you still searching for the perfect picnic blanket? It doesn’t matter if your family has seven or three members, there is always a fitting blanket for you. We are bringing you the most popular sizes, charts, and a buying guide, all on how big should a picnic blanket be. 

A picnic blanket and family size go together, the bigger the family the bigger the blanket. After reading our article, you won’t have to ask yourself what a good size for a picnic blanket is. Read on to learn more on how to fit every member of your family onto your blanket, give them enough space to be comfortable, and let them reach the food and snacks they want.

How Big Should a Picnic Blanket Be?

The first thing you need to do when buying a blanket for your next outing is to check the size of the product. It’s not just about the numbers or the price, but also about the commodity of the blanket, and whether it’s able to provide enough space to each person sitting on it. Always remember that the element of comfort plays a big role in your family’s bonding.

girl birthday

When you find yourself in this type of situation, here are a few questions you need to ask yourself, before choosing your product:

  • Who will use it? – The most important question is how many people will use it. This goes for both family members, friends, and pets you are bringing with you. This is a key factor in choosing the right size.
  • What will you use it for? –  If you’re planning a beach trip or a visit to a national park, think of different blankets. So, if you’re going to the beach, you need a blanket that is sand proof, and if you’re visiting wetter or colder climates, get a fleece blanket.
  • When will you use it? – Will it rain?  Is it windy? Then you need a weatherproof blanket, ideally with stakes. Check out what features your blanket of choice has and compare it to the type of weather you’re having where you live.
  • How to maintain it? – We have The Ultimate Guide on How To Wash Waterproof Blanket and Maintain it Afterward article, where you can learn all about the maintenance process of your new friend.

Once you look through these questions and ask them before you venture out on your next picnic adventure, you will be all set. With an abundance of space and a fitting blanket, you will have a great time with your family.

picnic on beach

How Big Should a Picnic Blanket Be – Size Chart

After looking at the most popular sizes in which picnic blankets are made, it’s time to look at how many people can comfortably sit on them. Here is our How big should a picnic blanket be size chart, that comes in inches and meters, compared to the number of people it seats:

SizeNumber of people it seats
50 inch x 60 inch or
1.3 m x 1.5 m and up 
Couple or two people
50 inch x 80 inch or
1.3 m x 2 m and up
Three to four people
60 inch x 80 inch or
1.5 m x 2 m and up
Four to five people or family
80 inch x 80 inch or
2 m x 2 m and up 
Five people and more

Standard Sizes of Picnic Blankets

After looking at the key questions in understanding picnic blankets, and what we use them for, we are here to review what sizes do most picnic blankets have. A picnic blanket family size depends mostly on the size of the family itself and how much space the members are planning on using up. Accordingly, here are the sizes most outdoor blankets come in: 

50 inch x 60 inch or 1.3 m x 1.5 m and up

Imperial Home All Purpose Picnic Blanket

50 inch x 80 inch or 1.3 m x 2 m and up – KAMUI Outdoor Waterproof Blanket

KAMUI blanket

60 inch x 80 inch in or 1.5 m x 2 m and up

Pratico Outdoors Large Picnic and Outdoor Blanket, 60 x 80 inch, Blue

80 inch x 80 inch or 2 m x 2 m and up

BMHNOONE Picnic Blanket

Needles to say, there are variations on the market, and you can probably find a singles picnic blanket if you look hard enough. But the point with outdoor blankets isn’t to sit alone, but to have some fun and relax together with everyone else sitting right next to you. 

What to Look for in a Picnic Blanket

Once we have looked at the statistics, we want to help you with a picnic blanket buying guide. We have set together a list of things you need to consider when choosing the right outdoor blanket for you and your family. While they are not the most intricate pieces of gear out there, they still have some stats you need to consider. Here are some of the things that can make your picnic blanket more versatile: 

  • Waterproof backing – This will not just make your blanket waterproof from the ground up, but also protect you from the elements and make your blanket weatherproof, perfect as a child or pet blanket.
  • Securing system – If you’re afraid of the wind blowing away your blanket, get a blanket with some poles.
  • Carry bag – Most blankets come with a carry bag, and a handy strap that will help you in transporting it anywhere you go.
  • Material – Fleece for the cold, and nylon for the beach. You can read more about the types of materials in our article
girl on picnic blanket How Big Should a Picnic Blanket Be

If you’re searching for more information on what to look for when choosing a blanket, we have a complete buying guide in our Picnic Blanket and How To Choose it article.
The key is to always know what you’re planning and know how big should a picnic blanket be. This means, always have a clear intention in which situations you’re going to use your blanket for.


In the end, it’s up to you to answer the questions we listed. But also to look at our recommending chart on what to get for your family and yourself. The key is to have the perfect outing in mind, hand in hand with the foodactivities for adults, and blankets you need

We hope this article helped you with how big should a picnic blanket be, just in time for your next family picnic.

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