Category Sleeping pad

Are Self Inflating Sleeping Pads Comfortable? Here’s Our Answer!

are self inflating sleeping pads comfortable

You might plan to purchase some new camping gear for the season, and you’re thinking of trying a self-inflating sleeping pad. You’re probably wondering: Are self inflating sleeping pads comfortable?  Yes, self-inflating sleeping pads are comfortable. They’re worth a purchase if you plan on…

Sleeping Pad vs. Hammock: Which is better?

KAMUI sleeping pad next to hammock

If you are asking yourself: “Sleeping pad vs. hammock, what should I choose?”, we have the answer for you!  A sleeping pad or a hammock is the most common sleeping arrangement for campers to choose from. Choosing the gear that works best for you…

KAMUI vs Ryno Tuff Sleeping Pad

kamui vs ryno tuff

Outdoor enthusiasts today have many brands to choose from when looking for gear. Here at KAMUI, we work diligently to provide quality camping gear for the whole family. So the question is: KAMUI vs. Ryno Tuff Sleeping Pad, which one has the…

Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad vs Air Mattress

Air Bedding Sleeping Pad vs. Air Mattress

Do you think you are in the 60-70% of the population worldwide who experience back pain at some point in their life? Is the fear of exacerbating your back pain preventing you from a much-needed escape from reality to the…

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St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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